Breast Cancer is a Problem in the World
• Breast cancer is the leading cancer among women worldwide
• Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide
• Worldwide, one person is diagnosed with breast cancer every 24 seconds
• Worldwide, one person dies of breast cancer every 68 seconds
Breast Cancer in UAE
• Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women.
• Breast cancer is in the list of top ten commonest cancers for the general population in the UAE.
• It is the second leading cause of death among women and accounts for 28% of all female deaths.
• The majority of breast cancer cases (87%) occur at age 40 years and above.
• Two third of women present in advanced stage ,that often required aggressive and exhausting treatment protocol
Breast Anatomy & Physiology
• Breasts are primarily fat and breast tissue
• Breast tissue is a complex network of lobules, lobes and ducts
Many breast changes occur over a womans life
What is Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is a disease where cells in the breast tissue divide and grow without the normal control.
WHAT CAUSES BREAST CANCER? Genetics and Breast Cancer
• Several inherited mutations have been linked to breast cancer BRCA1 and BRCA2
• Gene mutations are spontaneous or inherited
• Most breast cancers are spontaneous gene mutations
• In the U.S. only 5 – 10 percent are due to inherited gene mutations Breast cancers occur as a result of a gene mutation
• When diagnosed early, the better the treatment options, and the better the chance of survival
• In the U.S., when breast cancer is confined to the breast, the 5-year survival rate is 98 percent. There are 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S. today.
Breast Self-Awareness (BSA)
• Know your risk
• Get screened
• Know what is normal for you
• Make healthy lifestyle choices
Know Your Risk
• Talk to your family about your family health history
• Talk to your doctor about your personal risk of breast cancer
The most common risk factor is being female. Other risk factors include having a family history of breast cancer or certain other cancers.
There are known risk factors that you can control and others you cannot change.
• Risk factors do not cause breast cancer
• Risk factors are associated with an increased chance of getting breast cancer
• Some risk factors can be controlled and others can’t be changed
Known Risk Factors for Breast Cancer
• Being female
• Getting older
• Inherited genetic mutations
• Carcinoma in situ or hyperplasia
• Family history
• Dense breasts
• Radiation exposure
• High blood estrogen levels
• Previous breast cancer
• Menopause after 55
• No children or first child after 35 High bone density
• Overweight or adult weight gain
• High socioeconomic status
• Ashkenazi Jewish heritage
• Drinking alcohol
• Lack of exercise
• Postmenopausal hormone use (HRT)
• First period before 12
• Current or recent use of birth control pills
• Being tall
• Not breast feeding
Get Screened
• Ask your doctor which screening tests are right for you if you are at higher risk
• Have a mammogram every year starting at age 40 if you are at average risk
• Have a clinical breast exam at least every 3 years starting at 20, and every year starting at 40
Mammography in the UAE
• Best screening tool widely available for finding breast cancer early
• Screening every 2 years for women starting at age 40
• If a woman is under 40 and has a family history or other concerns, she should talk with her doctor
Preparing for a Mammogram
• Schedule several days after your menstrual period ends
• Wear no perfume, powder or deodorant
• Bring previous mammograms if they were performed at another facility
Clinical Breast Examination (CBE)
• At least every 3 years starting at age 20
• Every 2 years starting at age 40
• CBE is a complement to mammography
Know What is Normal for You
Know how your breasts look and feel and report changes to your health care provider right away
What to Look for and What to Report to Your Doctor
• Lumps, hard knots or thickening
• Unusual swelling, warmth or redness
• Change in size or shape of breast
• Dimpling or puckering of the skin
• Itchy, scaly sore or rash on nipple
• Pulling in of nipple or other parts of the breast
• Sudden nipple discharge
Remember … if a Change is Found…
• Most changes are harmless, BUT they still need to be checked!
• Don’t ignore them!
• A doctor needs to determine if there is a problem
Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices
• Maintain a healthy body weight throughout your life.
• Consume recommended levels of fruits and vegetables.
• Exercise regularly the rest of your life.
• Eat good fats.
• Carbohydrates consumption.
• Consume more whole food soy products.
• Minimize exposure to hormones.
• Maintain a positive mental outlook.
• Sources of support
• Co-Survivors
• Types of support
• Benefits of support
• Breast cancer does not affect just the person with the diagnosis; it is a family disease
What can Men do?
• Know that it is possible for them to get breast cancer too
• Encourage the women they care about to get screened for breast cancer
• Remember that breast cancer is a family disease
To Review…
• Breast cancer is a problem in our community.
• Every woman is at risk.
• When found early, the 5-year survival rate is over 98 percent in the U.S.
• We can improve survival rates in our country.
• Talk about your health history in your family – then talk to your doctor to help you understand your personal risk.
• Get screened.
• Learn what is normal for you. Report breast changes to your doctor.
• Make healthy lifestyle choices.
Living a healthy lifestyle
What does that mean?
In general, a healthy person doesnt smoke, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesnt it? The trick to healthy living is making small changes.
Nutrition and physical activity guidelines for cancer prevention
Recommendations for individual choices
Adopt a physically active lifestyle
The benefits of a physically active lifestyle go far beyond lowering cancer risk. They include lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and osteoporosis (bone thinning).
Physical activity may reduce the risk of several types of cancer:
What is physical activity?
Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy. Some of your daily life activities—doing active chores around the house, yard work, walking the dog—are examples.
Health benefits of physical activity include activities that make you breathe harder and make your heart and blood vessels healthier.
These aerobic activities include things like brisk walking, running, dancing, swimming, and playing basketball.
Also include strengthening activities to make your muscles stronger, like push-ups and lifting weights.
The good news?
People of all types, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from being physically active.
Did you know?
Adopt a physically active lifestyle
Types of activities:
Tips on how to be more active
Eat a healthy diet, with an emphasis on plant sources.
What counts as a serving?
Choose whole grains over processed (refined) grains and sugars.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, limit your intake. Alcohol is a known cause of cancers of the:
People who drink alcohol should limit their intake to no more than 2 per day for men and 1 drink a day for women.
The recommended limit is lower for women because of their smaller body size and slower break¬down of alcohol.
A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.
To reduce the risk of breast cancer:
The Global Initiative for Breast Cancer Awareness was launched in Abu Dhabi in November 2007 in partnership with Susan G Komen for the Cure ® and the Institute of International Education, under the auspices of the National Higher Committee for Breast Cancer and the patronage of H.H Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak.
Health Authority Abu Dhabis approach is simple and practical, yet rigorous; it combines two key pillars, which are being promoted according to evidence-based best practice:
(1) Driving uptake: Encouraging women from across the community to take-up screening (including Breast Self Examination, Clinical Breast Examination and Mammograms), through raising awareness, tackling stigma, and reinforcing implementation, critically, providing the practical advice on where, how, and when to go. In addition, HAAD has ensured coverage of the cost of screening through a blend of health insurance and government revenues.
(2) Delivering world-class capacity: Strengthening existing resources for breast cancer screening, staging, treatment and follow-up. This includes new screening facilities, providing world-class equipment, staff and training.
To find out more about breast cancer book a mammogram appointment or find details of clinics please visit This site provides women with easy to access further medical knowledge and continuous support, from advice on self-examination to scheduling bookings for regular mammograms. has helped thousands of women and is proof that knowledge saves lives!
The Pink Caravan is a breast cancer awareness campaign initiated in 2011 by Friends of Cancer Patients, a UAE charitable organization. The campaign is specifically designed to raise awareness around breast cancer and to encourage both women and men, residing within the United Arab Emirates, to perform self-examinations and go for their regular medical check-ups.
1. Regular Breast Self Examination (BSE)
2. Regular Clinical Breast Examination (CBE) by physician
3. Regular Mammogram after the age of 40
4. Reduce your risk of developing Breast Cancer by keeping a healthy weight, eating healthily, stop smoking and exercise
1. Its enables women to detect any changes or lumps that might occur
2. The earlier the detection of cancer, the better the chance of recovery b effective treatment
Pre-menopausal: choose a day between the 6th-10th day after the start of your monthly period.
Post-menopausal: choose any day of the month to perform the above.
Pick one motion you will use every time you conduct your BSE, it makes it easier for you to detect any changes in your breast.
1. Place a pillow under your right shoulder
2. Place your right hand behind your head
3. Use the inner pads of the three middle fingers of your left hand (see red circle in the diagram)
4. Feel for any changes in your breast, even above and below your collarbone Ei your armpit area (like a lump or a hard node or skin thickening)
5. Repeat the same procedure for the left breast
1. Place your right hand behind your head
2. Use the three middle fingers of your left hand while feeling your right breast
3. Inspect all the areas of your breast, chest and collarbone just like you did when lying down (see the red outlined box)
4. Repeat the same procedure for the left breast using your right hand
1. Arms held over your head
2. Check your breast for any change in size, shape 5 color
1. Arms pressed against the hips and bending forward
2. Check your breasts for puckering, dimpling, rash, nipple discharge or retraction or any other change that dose not look and feel normal
Done as pert of the annual health check up or when you feel something wrong. It should be done every 3 years starting from the age of 20 and it should be done every year after the age of 40.
A mammogram can detect the smallest abnormalities E changes in the breast even before being detectable by the women herself or by the doctor. A mammogram is performed at the age of 40 years bolder E repeated every 1-2 years. Earlier screening is advisable if a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer is present.
1. Don’t wear perfume, deodorant or powder as it affects the mammogram result
2. Bring your old mammograms b reports if you have them
Mammography screening is the most effective screening method & has proven to reduce breast cancer mortality (Death) by 20 to 30% in women over 50 years old.
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